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These Visions / Lunar Saxophone Quartet



Lunar Saxophone Quartet : Joel Garthwaite, sax soprano / Hannah Riches, sax alto / Lewis Evans, sax ténor / Lauren Hamer, sax baryton

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12,50 €

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Label :Signum Classics
EAN :0635212023327
Format :CD
Nombre du Support :1
Année édition :2010
Code Prix :UVM004
Date de Sortie :21/07/2017
Compositeur/Artiste Principal :Metcalf / Reynolds / Petrie

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John Metcalf : On Song - Peter Reynolds : The Head of Brass - Chris Petrie : Caneuon Cymru - Hilary Tann : Some of the Silence - Christopher Painter : Lunar Seas : Lacus Gaudii (Lake of Joy), Mare Vaporum (Sea of Vapours), Mare Anguis (Serpent Sea), Lacus Doloris (Lake of Sorrows), Mare Procellarum (Ocean of Storms) - Mark David Boden : These visions did appear... - Ashley-John Long : Hevelspending : Quaver = 200, Hevelspending: Crotchet = 60, Hevelspending: Crotchet = 100