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750 ans du College Merton d'Oxford Agrandir l'image

750 ans du College Merton d'Oxford



Choeur de Merton College d'Oxford / Benjamin Nicholas, direction / Peter Phillips, direction / Anna Steppler, orgue

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15,00 €

Fiche technique

EAN :0801918341342
Format :CD
Nombre du Support :1
Année édition :2013
Code Prix :UVM004
Date de Sortie :24/11/2016
Compositeur/Artiste Principal :Pärt / Esenvalds / Byrd / Parry / Berkeley

En savoir plus

Eriks Ešenvalds (1977-*) : Magnificat (Merton College Service), Nunc dimittis (Merton College Service) - John Dunstaple (13901453) : Veni Sancte Spiritus/Veni Creator - John Sheppard (c.15151558) : Libera nos, salva n°1 - Arvo Pärt (1935-*) : The Woman with the Alabaster Box - Hubert Parry (18481918) : There is an old belief - William Byrd (1539/401623) : Praise our Lord, all ye gentiles - Orlando Gibbons (15831625) : This is the record of John - Lennox Berkeley (19031989) : Veni sponsa Christi - Henry Purcell (16591695) : Hear my prayer, O Lord Z15, Remember not, Lord, our offences Z50 - Ralph Vaughan Williams (18721958) Valiant-for-truth - Charles Villiers Stanford (18521924) : Justorum animae Op.38 n°10, Beati quorum via Op.38 n°3 - William Mundy (15291591) : Magnificat, Nunc dimittis - James Lavino (1973-*) Beati quorum via - Maurice Greene (16961755) : Lord, let me know mine end - Ola Gjeilo (1978-*) : Sacred Origins